7 Basic Floral Design Tips You Need to Know

Oakville flower delivery

Floral Design Flower Arrangements is a fun and creative pastime! These seven simple tricks will allow you to create beautiful floral arrangements that everyone, including yourself, can appreciate, whether making a bouquet for yourself or sending flowers using Oakville flower delivery.

  1. Start with Big Flowers

Start with the biggest flowers first when you make your flower arrangement. [9 Focal Flowers: The main flowers of your design. And be sure they are bright and attention-grabbing. Big flowers you might choose are sunflowers, peonies or hydrangeas.

Big flowers are great for establishing a strong base for your arrangement. Put them up in the middle or outside. It is a nice way to grab attention immediately. When you place the big flowers first, you see how much space you have for the smaller flowers later on.

  1. Add Medium-Sized Flowers

Now that you have your big flowers, add medium-sized flowers. At the same time, these can be roses, lilies or tulips. Focal Flowers should stick out from the arrangement, but filler flowers add volume and texture around them.

Add these medium blooms around or a little behind the big flowers. This gives your arrangement depth in layers, making it look more interesting.  A good base (the big flowers), then different layers (the medium ones), and finally, petit fours on top.

  1.  Use Smaller Flowers for Detail

Now, you’re ready to add some small flowers to your arrangement. Small flowers such as daisies, asters or baby’s breath work well for this step. These tiny flowers fill in gaps and add delicate detail.

Little five-petal flowers tie the bigger lumps together, adding texture to your composition. They can also help soften the arrangement’s overall look, making it feel less formal and more organic. Use them sparingly throughout your overall design for balance and harmony.

  1. Balance Your Arrangement

Floral design is all about balance. You want your arrangement to look good all the way around — so it should be just as nice to view from the front as the back and sides.

You can balance your layout symmetrically and have one side mirror the other, or balance your layout asymmetrically and have one side different from the other while maintaining an overall sense of balance. 

If you want to see whether your arrangement is balanced, turn it around and see if it looks good from each side. Have each side have more flowers than the other — pick and move some flowers around until everything adds up.

  1. Think About Color and Texture

Using contrasting colours and textures makes your flower bouquet appealing to the eye. Select flowers that are opposites in colour — such as bright yellows and deep purples — for visual interest.

Think about texture and colour: Match soft petals to spiky leaves or smooth surfaces to rough ones. For example, combining a palate of fluffy, pink peonies with sleek eucalyptus leaves to add depth and dimension. Guess what? This variety makes the eye flow and creates a more interesting design.

  1. Keep Proportions in Mind

Proportion matters when arranging flowers, and the proportion of your flowers to the size of your vase or container.

If you have a small vase, or if it’s a small gift basket of flowers, use smaller blooms so it’s not overwhelmed by them. Conversely, if you have a big vase, use large flowers to fill up well. This will help your arrangement appear intentional and well-designed instead of busy or sparse.

  1. Finish with Greenery

Lastly, remember to incorporate greenery, too! Leaves and stems are important because they fill space and make your arrangement look fresh.

Greenery is a frame around colourful flowers and helps them pop even more. It also gives depth and contrast to your arrangement. Ferns, eucalyptus or even plain leaves from other plants will do. Nestle them between the flowers or use them around the edges for a natural look.


Using these seven tips, you will dawdle over beautiful flower arrangements perfect for livening up your home or special event like a celebration for winning a case, graduation, successful surgery or a wedding. So whether you decorate your home or send a gift through Oakville flower delivery, these easy steps will allow you to create something special that everyone will love. 

Alice Glasheen

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